No smoking signs

Our No smoking signs

Smoke-free or no smoking legislation has been in place since 2007, and it is effective and popular with high levels of compliance. The latest Government guidelines, simplified on 1 October 2012, indicate that at least one legible ‘no-smoking’ sign must still be displayed. Owners and managers are free to decide the size, design and location of the signs.

Employers continue to have a duty on informing and preventing staff and visitors to smoke. Smoking isn’t allowed in any enclosed workplace, public building or on public transport in the UK.

The law doesn’t apply to e-cigarettes but employers can decide if they can be used on their premises or not. Relevant signage must be displayed to communicate this.

We design and help customers with a massive choice of no smoking signs that will get the message across in an almost universally understood fashion.

Signs comply with the latest Government Guidelines and UK legislation, including BS EN ISO 7010.

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