Top 9 Hazard and Warning Signs You Need to Know About

Top 9 Hazard and Warning Signs You Need to Know About

For all the diverse categories of safety symbols, hazard and warning signs are the ones to watch out for most of all. People are exposed to dangerous hazards on a daily basis, which is why we all need to be aware of the risks and how to avoid them. As sign experts, 3...
Why Are Safety Symbols So Important?

Why Are Safety Symbols So Important?

Look around in any public place – chances are you’ll spot at least one colourful shape, covered with words or illustrations. It may be a traffic control sign instructing you to use a different footpath, a banner proclaiming a smoking ban inside a restaurant, or the...
HSE Safety Signs Compliance FAQ

HSE Safety Signs Compliance FAQ

If you’re running a business, there are a variety of hazards that may occur as a result. Some of these can and should be avoided. In other cases, it’s not possible to eliminate the hazard, and you instead need to inform people of the risk that was created. This is the...
Floor Marker Signs

Floor Marker Signs

Floor signage is not one of the most popular ways of instructing staff and visitors in respecting the safety regulations in place but is gaining momentum in recent years. You might come across ‘floor signs’, ‘floor markers’, ‘floor marker...